Be Rescue Ready | Spring Clean Your First Aid Kit
23 February 2024

Spring Clean Your First Aid Kit
The arrival of Spring welcomes the return of more daylight and hopefully, nicer weather.This is welcome news for parents as they get ready to release the kids back into the great outdoors. However, before you put on their shoes or tell them to grab their coats, we are encouraging parents to remain cautious as their return to the garden brings with it the possibility of little accidents.
Download our First Aid Checklist to identify what you are missing from your Medicare Home First Aid Kit.
Steps to Spring Cleaning Your First Aid Kit
1 - CleanIt’s very common for the contents of your first aid kit to be used and not replaced. It's important that you also remember to examine the expiration dates of your first aid supplies. We do not recommend using first aid supplies that have expired.
If you are unsure of what is missing, a sticker of the contents is positioned on the outside of your Medicare first aid kit or printed on a flyer inside. You can use our First Aid Checklist.
2 - Refill
Why not adapt your first aid kit to fit your needs. Our Medicare range offers a full range of first aid solutions to suit everyone’s needs. Our Medicare range offers a wide variety of first aid solutions to suit everyone’s lifestyle.
As well as all first aid essential refills, we are committed to ensuring our customers have access to the latest and most innovated solutions on the market. Make sure you add our brand-new Medicare Bleeding Control Spray & Medicare Adhesive Remover Spray to your first aid kit.
Our Medicare first aid range is available in pharmacies nationwide.
3 - Organise
Grouping similar products together in your first aid kit will ensure proper organisation. We encourage you to use clear and concise labels to classify each section. An organised first aid kit ensures that anyone will be able to find the necessary items in the event of an emergency.
Explore Our Medicare Range
Find the best products to suit the needs of your family, friends, and colleagues.Discover Our Exciting New Products
Medicare Bleeding Control Spray Our Medicare Bleeding Control Spray would be a great addition to your first aid kit. If you experience a minor wound, such as a scrape, graze or cut, our Medicare Bleeding Control Spray rapidly stops bleeding with the help of alginates that absorb and form a protective hydrogel, aiding healing. The soothing gel layer naturally dissolves as the wound heals, promoting recovery.
Medicare Adhesive Remover Spray
Does your plaster leave sticky adhesive residue on your skin? Our Medicare Adhesive Remover Spray offers gentle removal of medical adhesives like patches and bandages. Its residue-free formula minimises skin irritation, ensuring hassle-free and comfortable adhesive removal.
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