New Product | Medicare TENS Therapy Device

16 September 2024
Product News | Medicare Baby Nasal AspiratorMedicare is making it easier for patients to manage their pain relief with our brand-new TENS Therapy Device.

This innovative technology is designed to alleviate pain and muscle spasms associated with various conditions such as arthritis, menstrual discomfort, sports injuries, and is occasionally utilised for pain relief during childbirth.

We are delighted to be supporting patients and athletes with our new Medicare LifeSense TENS Therapy device.

How Does TENS Therapy Work?

New Product | Medicare LifeSense TENS Therapy Device

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) therapy is a drug-free method for managing pain. Our battery-powered, compact device delivers low-voltage electrical impulses to the skin near nerve pathways. These impulses help to relieve pain by blocking or altering the body's perception of pain signals. 

Product Features & Benefits

Explore the exciting benefits of our brand-new Medicare LifeSense TENS Therapy Device.

Drug-Free Pain Relief
Our TENS Therapy Device offers a non-invasive, natural pain relief without side effects. This provides the perfect solution for those that don’t want to rely on taking medication regularly for minor pains such as muscle aches or spasms.

Adjustable Intensity and Treatment Time
We all require different levels of pain relief at different times. Our Medicare LifeSense TENS therapy device offers adjustable intensity and treatment times that gives you full control to customise your treatment experience. This ensures all customers get the pain relief they need, when they need it.

Seven Massage Modes
Choose from 7 targeted massage modes to ensure you’re getting the right level of pain relief and therapy.

  • Massage: Gently ease muscle tension and stress.
  • Acupuncture: Mimic the experience of acupuncture.
  • Tapping: Stimulate circulation with tapping mode.
  • Scraping: Align muscle fibres.
  • Cupping: Experience cupping without the need for physical cups.
  • Kneading: Reduce muscle tension and improve circulation.
  • Combination: A mixture of all modes for a complete experience.

Lightweight and Portable
The compact design offers a lightweight and portable solution that fits easily into hand luggage. This ensures customers can use our Medicare LifeSense TENS Therapy Device whenever it is convenient for them.

Medical Advice

Always seek professional medical advice before incorporating new treatments to ensure the device is suitable for your condition.

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