Men's Health Week 2024

10 June 2024
Fleming Medical supporting Men's Health WeekFleming Medical is delighted to be supporting Men's Health Week 2024.

Men's Health Week 2024

Men’s Health Week is dedicated to promoting physical and mental health awareness of men and boys. It takes place from Monday 10th of June to Sunday 16th of June (Father’s Day).

Men’s Health Week has three key objectives:
  •  Heighten awareness of preventable health problems for males of all ages.
  •  Support men and boys to engage in healthier lifestyle choices/activities.
  •  Encourage the early detection and treatment of health difficulties in males.
Statistics show that males have higher death rates than females for almost all the leading causes of death at all ages. In light of this, the theme for this year is ‘Know Your Numbers’ with the key message that Men’s Health Counts.

Did You Know?

Check out these interesting facts & figures about men's health:
  • The leading cause of death for men 75 and over are diseases of the circulatory system. Circulatory diseases are also the second highest cause of death (following cancer) for males overall in Ireland in 2022.
  • Males often present themselves too late to health services which can lead to a large number of problems becoming untreatable.
  • In 2022, 23% of males were overweight and 40% of males were obese.

Our Men's Health Webinar

We've teamed up with Dr. Michael Hanrahan, a Public Health Doctor and Researcher based in Cork, to bring you some informative videos on blood pressure, respiratory health and body composition to mark Men's Health Week.

Webinar | Men's Health Week - High Blood Pressure

Explore Our Medicare LifeSense Range

Our Medicare LifeSense range of Connected Health devices allows you to better understand your physical condition and to make better decisions that benefit your overall health. Our Bluetooth devices sync seamlessly with our Medicare LifeSense app that is freely available on Google Play & the App Store.

Choose from our growing list of Connected Health devices and are available in pharmacies nationwide.
Body Analysis Scale
A2 Plus Blood Pressure Monitor
Pulse Oximeter

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