Fungal Nail Infections: Advice on the Best Treatment & Prevention

Fungal nail infection - proper medical terms include onychomycosis or tinea unguium - is a common issue that many people will experience. Having a nail infection can lead to a lengthy healing process, depending on how advanced it is. In this blog post, we will explore the causes, treatment, and how to prevent fungal nail infections so that you can be prepared and know what to do.
How do you get them?
You can pick up fungal nail infections in many ways, but you can also be prone to contracting them. Communal areas such as gyms or pools, damaged nails, hot and sweaty feet, weakened immune system, or other health conditions like diabetes, psoriasis, or peripheral arterial disease can lead to fungal infections. If you have diabetes and have a fungal nail infection, please see a foot specialist for expert advice.

Treatment Advice
If your infection is more advanced, you may need to take medication to clear it. In this case, visit your local GP or podiatrist. You can also consult your pharmacist; they can assess and provide you with the best over-the-counter treatment that suits your condition. Topical treatments can be used by themselves or in conjunction with an antifungal medication, depending on the advice you receive and your infection. They are a good solution for softening the nail and help improve the appearance of the nail. Tip: Ensure that the active ingredient urea is included in the solution as it is very effective for clearing fungal nail infections.

The Medicare Fungal Nail Pen is a popular product and helps improve nail appearance and reduce discolouration thanks to its clinically approved formula. The active ingredients in the formula help stop fungal nail growth. In some cases, results are visible within two weeks*. Optimal results occur when used daily until the healthy nail has grown out.
*Clinical study showed that 77% of patients had results within two weeks. 88% of patients had results within four weeks.

A new addition to the Medicare Fungal Nail range is the FungeX Fungal Nail Plasters. They are an innovative medical device which provide effective treatment for nail fungus and discoloured, deformed nails (including toenails). Medicare FungeX Fungal Nail Plasters provide expert care through the continual release of the clinically proven ingredients for a maximum of 6-8 hours.

They also provide excellent moisturising effects, promote the improved appearance of discoloured and deformed nails, gently smooths the outer layers of the nail plate, and prevents the re-growth of fungal infection by changing the nails micro-environment. The specially designed shape of the plaster also provides a convenient, simple and effective spot-on application.
How to Prevent Fungal Nail Infections
Make sure your feet are kept cool and dry, don’t wear shoes that make your feet warm and sweaty and change your socks every day. Don’t share items like shoes, towels, nail clippers, or scissors with others. When visiting a communal area such as the gym or swimming pool, wear sandals/flip flops.
See the full Medicare Footcare Range Available in Pharmacies Nationwide
If you are worried about your fungal nail infection, visit your Pharmacist, GP or a Podiatrist. If you have diabetes, make sure you speak to your doctor before using any footcare products.