Webinar: Advanced Woundcare Solutions for Nursing Homes
12 March 2021

Fleming Medical are hosting a series of educational webinars throughout 2021 that are focused on a range of healthcare topics like COPD, Woundcare and Hypertension for healthcare and pharmacy professionals. Following on from the success of the Women’s Heart Health webinar in February, they are now focusing on Advanced Woundcare for Nursing Homes.
There will be two webinars in order to cater to the differing needs and perspectives of nursing home healthcare staff and pharmacies.
Webinar Agenda & Registration Pages:

Georgina is Editor of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Journal and has been involved in many EWMA projects including Home Care Wound Care, patient panel, Leg Ulcer Guidelines project and Lifestyle factors and wound healing. Her specialist areas of interest are in epidemiology of wounds, core outcome sets, wound bed assessment incorporating wound pH and temperature and palliative wound care. She is a member of the editorial board of 3 peer-reviewed journals, and has published and presented internationally on wound management. She is currently PI on many research projects with grant income of over €4m. In 2017, she co-founded the Alliance for Research and Innovation in Wounds, a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency group dedicated to the advancement of wound care and improving patient outcomes.

The first webinar takes place on Thursday 25th of March and is specifically for pharmacists and pharmacy retail staff. Maeve Kenrick, Pharmacy Sales Manager with Fleming Medical, will be presenting the Medicare Advanced Wound care product range in conjunction with Prof. Gethin’s treatment and will also be highlighting the importance of leveraging business opportunities that pharmacies have when it comes to nursing home wound care solutions.

Make sure to register so we have your details, if the time doesn’t suit you, we will send you a recording of the webinar. If you have any queries, please email us at training@flemingmedical.ie.
This Webinar is in Association with ARIW
The Alliance for Research and Innovation in Wounds is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency group dedicated to the advancement of wound care and improving patient outcomes.

Webinar Agenda & Registration Pages: