We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Irish Heart Foundation in their national blood pressure awareness campaign, “Before Damage is Done.” The campaign is aimed at raising awareness of the link between high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
As a national media campaign, “Before Damage is Done” is asking adults, particularly those over 50, to have their blood pressure checked with their GP or in their local pharmacy.

To support the Irish Heart Foundation’s mission, we will be donating 10% of all of our sales of our Medicare LifeSense blood pressure monitors over the course of the National Blood Pressure Awareness Campaign.
Together, through your active participation, we can make a substantial contribution to the Irish Heart Foundation’s mission and champion cardiovascular well-being across Ireland.
Empower Your Community,
Increase Sales.
Participating pharmacies will be able to avail of our National Blood Pressure Awareness Campaign Promotion Pack, which includes a Buy 3 Get 1 Free promotion on our three Medicare LifeSense Blood Pressure Monitors, free POS pack, Irish Heart Foundation branded merchandise and admission to an educational online information session on blood pressure monitoring given by the Irish Heart Foundation.